Comment perdre sa graisse du ventre et développer ses abdos ? - Versatims

How to lose belly fat and develop abs?

Discover our tips for lose belly fat and strengthen your abs !

Before starting, you must understand that good physical condition always begins on the plate! Eating well is the basis for good weight loss and/or good muscle mass gain.

Power side:

It all starts with a strict and healthy diet ! 
Here is the list of foods to avoid to lose weight:
  • Refined sugar
  • Gluten and anything wheat-based
  • Fat food
  • Salt because it promotes water retention.
Foods to favor:
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Prefer honey, agave syrup, dates
  • Whole grain foods rich in fiber
  • Drink lots of tea to benefit from its draining power

Bodybuilding side:

3 exercises to have a flat stomach and abs:

The abdominal wheel:

If there were to be a secret to getting abs quickly, the AB wheel or abdominal wheel is one of them. Thanks to this abdominal wheel you will develop defined abs 5 times faster. The abdominal wheel is increasingly used by sports coaches.



crunch abs abdominal exercises fitness and bodybuilding

They mainly involve the rectus abdominis, a muscle located in the anterior wall of the abdomen. It is this muscle which, well worked, brings out the famous chocolate bars

- The board or sheathing:

This exercise works the rectus abdominis but also the obliques and the transverse, a deep muscle which allows you to obtain a flat and firm stomach.

Trick : To achieve faster results and have the right posture, you can use Versatims™ push-up handles

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