5 Fun Ways to Get in Shape

The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb, sugar-free foods. But despite popular diets, "magic" pills and the latest and greatest fitness equipment that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight.

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5 fun ways to get in shape

The market is saturated with low-fat, low-carb, sugar-free foods. But despite popular diets, "magic" pills and the latest fitness equipment that all promise to melt away the pounds, more than half of American adults are overweight.

To successfully lose weight, health experts emphasize the importance of long-term lifestyle changes and regular exercise. Here are some creative ways to make fitness fun again and help you win the battle of bulges once and for all.

* Take a “healthy” vacation. Make fitness part of your travels. Head to a spa where, in addition to being pampered, you can practice hiking, climbing, kickboxing, aquagym and yoga.

* Walk or run for a good cause. Training for a 5K charity walk, for example, may be the motivation you need to start exercising regularly. Better yet, you'll help your favorite charity achieve its goals.

* Dance. Sign up for a ballroom dancing or hip-hop class. It's a great way to lose weight, learn to dance and have fun.

* Remove excess pounds. New fitness DVDs help you spice up your usual workout routine and give you a fun new way to tone your body from the comfort of your living room.

* Do Pilates. Find out what makes Pilates the workout of choice for countless celebrities, and why your gym's Pilates classes are always sold out. The "MTV: Pilates Mix" DVD, presented by renowned Pilates and yoga instructor Kristin McGee, is perfect for those who want to add an edgier rhythm to their workout. The DVD features two half-hour workouts that focus on toning your arms, legs and abs, with a music mix that motivates you to get up and work out.
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